So, I shall try my best to recap all things with a fuzzy memory. (I know it's only about a month away. Well, what to do for people with a leaky memory? XD)
With regards to the recent-most post, I mentioned that my internship in UHY had finally begun and so it is. I love the learning experience here, I certainly love it when my manager gave me more challenging jobs (i.e. my manager had finally released semi-active companies for me to audit! :D I definitely won't let her down =)), and I love working along with my colleagues too! Funny things happened that certainly entertained me! =)
Aiks.. wait..**turning off my mp3** >.< my mind went singing along with the tunes played rather than reminiscing the past days! haha. Alright I'm back. So, work. Yes, people often tell me: Audit is terrible! You work late, you work like shit and the pay is way minimum! Why on Earth did you join an audit firm? Well I do agree with that statement, unfortunately it doesn't seem to apply to interns! haha.
I must say, being an intern in audit firm definitely leads a luxurious life as compared to permanent staffs. I suppose this applies more to Big 4. My first working experience in an audit firm was dated to the end of my 1st year in Monash (year ended 2008). I joined Ernst & Young Penang where my hubby was working at. To tell you the truth, working there as a trainee was superbly relaxing! Or should I say.. care-free? That was mainly due to the superiors not being able to trust those interns by giving them a whole company to handle. So to wrap it up, I didn't learn much from my previous employment, as I was never given a whole company to audit, I mainly assisted in doing some sections; hence, I had a really relaxing time in EY but I've got a testimonial from them in the end. Hehe. That's what matters :P
So this time, I went for a go in a medium firm and frankly, working in a medium firm is totally different. I was dumped with files for a company on my first day of work! I was rather shocked as never would I dream of auditing one whole company myself! hehe. So I was really pumped up to perform since then. Even though the workload is much more compared to Big 4, I wouldn't say that I had a "vacuum-cleaner-like-life"! Despite the increasing workload, I wouldn't say that I was busy until I worked till 1 or 2am. I went back and get done with work earlier than my seniors. However, my definition of working late is where I have to work till around 8pm+ and got stuck in a traffic jam (typical KL jam!) and reaching home for dinner around 9pm+. Hey, having dinner at 9pm + is way too late and definitely not one of my daily routine :P (This is also where my "sai-tor" came up! ><) So yes, lately I've been working until 8pm+ before I left client's place as I had been given increasing amount of work to do. I wouldn't complain with the work load cos.. Yes! I managed to prove myself to my manager that I can deliver and so, I am glad that I was put in one of UHY's major client team :D I guess I will be in this team throughout my internship :P
Also, I often dealt with the following conversation during my internship here:
People (refers to mainly other interns): Hey, how's your work?
Me: Cool! I'm adapting here. What about you?
People: Great! I'm fine here too =) But it's sad I sometimes have to work late
Me: Yeah. Can't help it. (Me thinking: it's inevitable as it's peak period right now)
People: What companies have you been working on?
Me: I have been on XXX Company since my 2nd week! 1st week was rather minor work stuffs
People: **Gasps!** On XXX Company since the 2nd week??? My gosh! It must be boring for you.
Me: Hmm..Not really la. I learnt a lot there
So, my point here is, working in a major client team is definitely way better than you work on small / mini engagements all the time. This is why: when you draft your resume, would you prefer putting in your working experience as working with a PLC (Public Listed Companies) or working on small engagements? PLC of course right? If you get to stay in that team until the engagement ends, it just proves one thing: You are capable and you can deliver your work!! So, I love it now that I have been on my current team and I shall put in effort to hang in there until the engagement ends. hehe. I look forward to next Monday's challenge!! Semi-active companies, here I come!!!
Alright. Time to stop. I shall continue next time. Probably tomorrow :P

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