Passport Renewal: From 1 HOUR TO 5.5 HOURS!!!

Today is a horribly-tiring-day!
Lotsa detours done + lotsa time wasted! :(

Here are the chronicles of today's happenings:

Departed for breakfast.
Reached Old Town White Coffee at ss21, but it wasn't opened.
However, you can see the staffs sittin' and chillin' around outside!!!
In the end, Hubby suggested Mentari's Old Town.

 Reached Mentari's Old Town White Coffee
Here's our superb breakfast!

The kaya butter toast I've been craving for so long!!
Keke, Hubby and I ordered 2 My Toast Sets
1 double kaya butter toast

The thick butter content plus rich kaya spread
That melt in every single bite,
Made me feel so sho satisfied and satiated!

Anyway, after breakie, we moved on to Immigration office:

Arrived at Subang Airport Terminal 2
Hubby parked the car and as we walked to the building,
We were totally devastated!
The whole place was exactly like a DEAD TOWN! *literally*

Don't get conned!!!
Those people who parked there are those working in the
next building.

Wasted $$$!!!!

The only sense of life we could pick up is
The Malay coffee shop beside the old immigration office
Upon inquiring from the old lady there
Only we knew (more to "I" as Hubby was otp =.=)
That Immigration Office had been relocated to
Kelana Jaya Glomac Business area (SS7)

Hence, here we went to our next destination:

Arrived at Immigration Office, Kelana Jaya

Plaza Glomac - That's where the new
Subang Immigration Office is located
Upon reaching, you could see a front-desk counter
Where you can get your number + application form

Mind you, please check that you have
All documents* ready, as these 2 officers will check

If you have incomplete documents,
You will be denied a queuing number and application form
Only after you have all necessary documents in hand,
You need to queue again just to get an application form
After filling up, you need to queue AGAIN
Then when it's your turn, the officers will then give you a blardy number
(So many queues to make huh?)

So please check carefully that you have all documents in hand.

*Documents that you'll need:
1) a Photocopy of MyKad (Both sides on the same page)
2) 2 copies of passport size photos (blue background)
3) Your old passport
4) CASH!!!
(2 years - RM100; 5 years - RM300)
*Note: Application form is only applicable for those new applications
For renewal, you may use the kiosk (faster), that's also if your passport has a chip*
Passport renewal kiosk required documents

For passport renewal kiosk only
Note the statement of "Passport BERCHIP"

Well, as mentioned, we arrived at the Immigration Office at 11am

Thank Goodness Hubby and I had everything needed
We next scooted over to queue at passport renewal Kiosk
There were about 8 persons ahead of us
It took about 30minutes to our turn

After inserting my passport into the machine
The machine's supposed to detect your thumb prints on the chip
The STRANGE thing is
That stupid machine COULD NOT READ MY THUMB PRINT!!!

The lady officer there advised me to do manual application instead!!!
Meaning I have to queue up to get a form
Filled up
Then queued again to get a stupid number!

Here I thought I could happily finish everything within an hour
Mana tau....

Both Hubby and I waited till about 1pm for my number to be called
(in the meantime, we went over to a coffee shop next door for a drink)

After going through the hassles and tassels of application procedures
By the time payment was made, it was already almost 2pm.
Upon payment, the officer gave me a receipt

Well this was not the one she gave, the above receipt is from
passport renewal kiosk (Hubby's).
However similar statements were printed.
From the receipt, it is clearly stated that you'll have to collect your
New passport 1 hour after payment is made

So we checked out of Plaza Glomac
And the parking rate there is CRAZY!!!
It cost us a total of RM6!!!

During that 1 hour, Hubby and I sprinted to SS15
(Inti Subang) to get my cert certified
Collect my purchased item from a blogshop

After everything's done, it was already 3pm.

Went back to Immigration Office

After handing over my receipt, a while later
My name was called
And you know what the officers told me?????

Officers: Do you have any other photos?
Me: Why?
Officers: Your photos cannot be used. It's too bright.
(I think that's what they said)
Me: !!!! But I don't have any
Officers: Then you need to take NEW PHOTOS!!!
*pointed at the booth at the end corner of the office*

I need to blardy queue AGAIN for that stupid photo shoot
And I looked more like a ghost than myself in that stupid photo!!!
Wasted $$$$$ taking the previous ones!!

So after submitting my photos
I have to WAIT again for them to laminate the new photos into my passport
Hubby and I waited and waited, finally my name was called again
Then only I get my new passport and signed.

By then, it was already almost 4.30pm

So from 11am till 4.30pm,
The whole application process took about

From the supposedly 1 HOUR to 5.5 HOURS!!!

Hopefully I could use that stupid kiosk during my next renewal
Which will be...
5 years later


For more info about Kelana Jaya's Passport Immigration Office:

Address: Blok A, Plaza Glomac,
             Jalan SS7/19, Kelana Jaya
             47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.

Telephone: 03 -7885 0975 / 149 / 301 / 010
Fax:          03 -7885 0243
Office Hours: Monday - Friday   7.30am - 1.00pm, 2.00pm to 5.30pm
                  Saturday - Sunday 8.00am - 1.00pm (Passport processing only)
Remark: Passport will be ready within 1 hour after payment is made.

For more info, please visit here

*A little note to Hubby:
Thank you for accompanying me throughout the whole process.
You have always been the best *

Hello Kitty

Oh My Gawd!!
I'mma such a HUGE Kitty fan!!
Well the super-obsession-over-Hello Kitty
Actually started when I was having internship.. somewhere last January
Not that I was head over heels over Kitty,
It was just a minor fascination over that that point

Before the obsession,
I have always thought that Kitty cat to be kinda
Until during my last internship,
My senior spilled the beans that one of our colleagues
Is a huge fan of Hello Kitty!!

Well I didn't think much about it until...

Just about 30 minutes ago
I stumbled upon a website that sells HELLO KITTY car seat covers and accessories!!!
And they are all so damn cute and so FEMININE!
(p/s: I have always been fanatical with car decorations!!!)

In the instant of such amazing discoveries,
My aforementioned super passion for Kitty
Suddenly overwhelmed me!!!

Check out these photos below~~
Front seat covers

The frills are so pretty!!

Love the head rest!

HUGE LOVE to the Strawberries!!

Other accessories

*Pictures credit to De Colletion*

Ain't them all a bunch of pretties?
Wait till I save up and earn myself
A nais car, with nais smooth beige leather seats,
With pretty brown dashboard,
Then I'mma gonna own them all!!

*For more info regarding the car seat covers and accessories,
Do visit here*